Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What Is A Brain Aneurysm In French Have You Ever Seen Someone Die From A Brain Aneurysm?

Have you ever seen someone die from a brain aneurysm? - what is a brain aneurysm in french

If you've ever seen someone die a brain aneurysm, I would like to describe what they seem. I have a clear description of what seemed to me that my grandfather died (he was early), but there is some uncertainty in the story, how he died. I'm pretty sure it was an aneurysm, but I want to be sure. Hearing the description, which appeared when people died of cerebral aneurysms can help. Sorry if this is morbid sense, but I would like to help!


Swingin' 60 said...

I've never seen what actually happened, but I know two girls who died of a cerebral aneurysm. Both were young - both were over 17 years. And they both died the same way - headache, nausea, vomiting and unconsciousness. Sudden death. In both cases it was very sudden and very traumatic. A very sad situation.

formerly... said...

I do not know personally, but someone who was with the left work early one day because he had a headache. He died an hour later. Her husband said he decided to lie down and sleep, and when they checked in a few hours later he was dead. She literally died in his sleep.

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